Zodiac baby names: 20 names for babies ruled by Taurus

Parenting News 12 Apr 24 By

Baby boy in costume standing on footpath in NYC

You’ll adore these sweet names for your loyal little love.

Expecting your sweet babe to arrive between 21 April – 21 May? There’s a good chance your baby will be born under the sign of Taurus

What does this mean?

Taurus – an earth sign – is the second astrological sign in the zodiac commonly represented by the bull.

Those born under the Taurus sign are known for being stubborn, calm, cheerful, positive, and loyal.

Looking after your Taurus baby

If your baby is born between 21 April – 21 May, your baby’s star sign is Taurus

Taurean children love things that are nice to hold, so tactile textures such as velvet will make them happy. Give your warm and loving Taurean child lots of cuddles as they need plenty of touch. Their nature is placid, unless you rush them. They’ll find life a lot easier if you give simple commands and deal with them clearly.

READ NEXT: Baby names inspired by earth.

20 baby names for Taurus born babes

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