Zodiac baby names: 20 names for babies ruled by Aquarius

Parenting News 19 Jan 24 By

newborn infant in tided onesie laying on crib staring up at mobile.

You’ll adore these sweet names for your clever little creative.

Expecting your sweet babe to arrive between 21 January – 19 February? There’s a good chance your baby will be born under the sign of Aquarius.

What does this mean?

Aquarians – an air sign – are the eleventh astrological sign in the zodiac commonly represented by water.

Those under the Aquarius sign are known for being highly intellectual and creative. Smart and creative, they are known for being direct and calm in nature.

Looking after your Aquarius baby

If your baby is born between 21 January – 19 February, your baby’s star sign is Aquarius

An Aquarius child realises early on that a big smile will distract their parents and allow them to get their own way. They are clever and will chuckle while thinking, ‘I’ve got you where I want you!’. They love movement and colour so a mobile over their cot will be a hit. Older children don’t like to sit still for long, so potty training could be tricky. Teach them new things in short, sharp bursts.

READ NEXT: Baby names inspired by air

20 baby names for Aquarius born babes

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