3 Simple Ways to Support Healthy Cognitive Development in Your Child

Support your little one every step of the way
As a parent, it’s important to ensure your child’s cognitive development is both supported and maintained.
Whether it’s encouraging problem solving and critical thinking, incorporating nutrient-rich foods into their diet, or maintaining a solid sleep schedule, by creating a structured and supportive routine, you are introducing healthy habits to set them up for success.
Here’s three simple ways you can support healthy cognitive and brain development in your child.
Maintain a Healthy Balanced Diet
As your little one begins to grow, a well-balanced diet can help to support their cognitive development, while also assisting with brain function. Foods such as nuts, grains, eggs and fatty fish are great additions to their regular diet, helping contribute to improved focus, memory and overall mental clarity.
By also incorporating supplements such as Bio Island Zinc for Kids* to support cognitive function, and Bio Island DHA for Kids* to support brain health, your little one will be equipped with the right nutrients for greater learning and concentration.
*Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

Hydration also goes hand in hand with a balanced diet and by encouraging your child to regularly drink water, you can ensure that they are staying energised and ready to take on their daily activities.
Through the introduction of simple habits such as eating a balanced diet, and staying hydrated, you can ensure your little one is feeling their best every single day.

Encourage Problem Solving
Creating opportunities for learning, and developing important skills such as problem solving is a great way to nurture healthy cognitive development as your child grows.
By encouraging critical thinking and independent problem solving from an early age you are assisting with the development of the confidence and decision making skills that will ultimately build their resilience and adaptability.
Activities such as jigsaw puzzles, creative play, find-a-word, or spot-the-difference can help to stimulate their brain, and by giving them the chance to work through challenges on their own you are creating a solid foundation for healthy brain function.

Create a Solid Sleep Routine
Sleep hygiene is key when it comes to supporting cognitive development. When children get enough quality sleep, their brain has more time to rest which can lead to improved memory and contribute to overall healthy brain function.
By incorporating a consistent sleep schedule into your child’s routine, you may begin to notice an improvement in their ability to focus and absorb information – this is because good quality sleep plays a big role in staying attentive.
Without proper rest, kids can struggle with concentration which can lead to frustration and impacted learning. Depending on their age, the ideal amount of sleep can vary so it’s important to chat with your doctor to discuss what would be best for your family.
Good sleep hygiene practices such as sticking to a regular bedtime, creating a calming nightly routine, and avoiding screens before sleep can help your child’s brain recharge and prepare.
By making sleep a priority, you’re helping your child become more engaged, focused, and ready to tackle the day!