Tips for the Nesting Period

Expert Advice 03 Sep 24 By

Pregnant woman nesting: folding baby's clothes/ laundry.
(Image: Getty Images)

Prepare Your Home for Baby’s Big Arrival!        

As you enter the final stretch of your pregnancy, you might find yourself swept up in a whirlwind of energy and anticipation – this is the nesting phase. It’s a time when an overwhelming urge to clean, organise, and prepare your home for your baby’s arrival takes over.

Suddenly, every detail becomes crucial. You might spend hours meticulously arranging the nursery, making sure every surface is spotless, and ensuring everything is perfectly in its place. It’s an instinctual drive to create a safe, welcoming environment for your new little one.

But what exactly is nesting? When does it start, and why does it happen? Most importantly, how can you effectively prepare, especially when it comes to washing all those adorable baby clothes?

What Is Nesting?

Nesting typically begins in the third trimester, though some parents-to-be may feel this urge even earlier. While everyone’s nesting looks different, common activities include deep cleaning, organising, washing baby clothes, and stocking up on essentials. It’s your chance to ready your home for your baby’s arrival by creating a clean, secure space just for them.

Nesting Tips to Help Prepare for Baby’s Arrival

Create a Cleaning and Safety Checklist

As part of your nesting routine, ensure both safety and cleanliness. Start by creating a cleaning schedule that includes tasks like sanitising surfaces, vacuuming, and cleaning high-touch areas.

Then, focus on your baby’s safety: install essential items like a car seat, baby gates, and outlet covers. Make sure the nursery is baby-proofed and secure. Finally, stock up on health supplies such as a thermometer, nasal aspirator, and a first aid kit.

Pregnant woman nesting. Standing in overalls with spray bottle and sponge cleaning bathroom.
Pregnant and feeling an urge to clean? Follow our nesting tips to help prepare your home for baby’s arrival. (Image: Getty Images)

Prepare the Nursery

By this stage of your pregnancy, you may well have chosen a theme for your baby’s room with colours and soft toys to match. You also need to make sure the nursery is a cosy, functional space for nursing and changing. Set up the cot, changing table, and storage for clothes and essentials. Create a comfortable spot for yourself with good lighting, seating, and a side table for easy access to all your supplies.

Stock up on essentials like nappies, wipes, baby clothes, and feeding supplies. Pre-washing these items is essential.

Pre-Wash New Baby Clothes, Bedding, and Linen

Washing your baby’s clothes, bedding, and linens is another step in your nesting journey. Your newborn’s delicate skin is sensitive and prone to irritation from bacteria, allergens, and irritants. New baby clothes and linens often come with residues from manufacturing – like chemicals and dust.

“Regularly washing baby clothes is not just about aesthetics or hygiene,” says dermatologist Viktoryia Kazlouskaya. “It’s a critical step in protecting a baby’s health and wellbeing. A baby’s skin is still developing its natural protective barrier, making them highly susceptible to infections, allergies, and skin irritations.”

This advice applies to both new clothes and hand-me-downs. You never know what they might have been exposed to, so pre-washing is always a smart move. Use a gentle, dermatologically tested detergent like Cold Power Sensitive to wash all your baby’s clothes, blankets, and bedding before your little one arrives. Cold Power Sensitive is free from dyes, enzymes, and fragrances, ensuring a clean and gentle wash.

Pregnant woman nesting: folding baby's clothes/ laundry.
Wash your baby’s clothese in a premium dermatologically tested detergent, like Cold Power Sensitive. (Image: Getty Images)

Wash Baby Clothes Like a Pro

When washing baby clothes, focus on keeping them soft and gentle for your baby’s delicate skin. Start by sorting clothes into whites, colours, and heavily soiled items. Choose a premium dermatologically tested detergent like Cold Power Sensitive that’s free of dyes and fragrances to avoid skin irritation.

Wash in cold water to preserve fabric quality and reduce energy use. Cold Power Sensitive works best in cold water, helping preserve the quality of baby’s clothes and the environment. Hot water can be harsh and may shrink those precious outfits. Air drying is ideal to keep clothes soft and reduce wear and tear. If you use a dryer, select a low heat or delicate cycle to protect the fabric.

Focus on Self-Care

Amid the nesting frenzy, remember to care for yourself. Take breaks, indulge in activities you enjoy, and get plenty of rest. Involve your partner in the process – sharing tasks not only ensures everything gets done but also strengthens your bond as you prepare for this exciting new chapter together. Happy nesting!

Brought to you by Cold Power.

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