Handmade with love: Mother’s Day crafts for kids
From pasta necklaces to DIY cards, Mum will feel loved on her special day.
A handmade gift is a surefire way to put a smile on mum’s face this Mother’s Day, on Sunday, May 12.
Kids often get crafty at daycare and school and usually bring home a masterpiece of some kind. But it’s equally fun to get your craft on at home (Dad: hint, hint).
The following crafts are easy to make and if there is a slip up, well, that just makes it all the more special.
Pretty pasta necklace
Nothing says you’re a mum quite like receiving your first pasta necklace. It’s quite the milestone moment!
Add some paint to the pasta pieces, allow to dry and then thread onto a string. Ta-da!
For full tutorial, click here.
Fingerprint love picture
Let Mum know how you really feel with this heartfelt piece of art.
Use painter’s tape to create a love heart shape and stick it onto a blank canvas or piece of paper.
Choose a mix of pretty colours and get finger painting. Allow to dry, remove painter’s tape heart and we guarantee Mum will love it!
Add your own sweet personalised message like this one:
My dirty little fingerprints I’ve left on every wall,
And on the drawers and table tops, I’ve really marked them all.
But here are some that won’t rub off, I made them just for you,
Because I’m thankful for a mum who loves me like you do.
For full tutorial, click here.
Wool heart wreaths
These gorgeous heart wreath decorations will make your mum’s heart full on her special day.
Simply cut heart shapes from cardboard and twist wool around the border.
For full tutorial, click here.
Handprint and footprint vase of flowers
Fact: Mums love flowers. Ok, possibly not every single mother loves fresh ones (hello, allergies) but we’re positive every mama would love this sweet floral creation.
Best of all, these flowers will last forever.
For full tutorial, click here.
Create a personalised mug with a drawing and special message
“It’s always special to receive some artwork from a child, but it can be hard to keep track of all those papers. So I turned my son’s art into a usable mug for the boys’ grandmother and great grandmother,” says Maddie from .@sunshineandsensory
Click here to see how Maddie created the mug using her @cricut_anz Maker 3 and some Smart Vinyl.
Blooming beautiful
Is this one of the cutest crafts you’ve ever seen?
Who knew that a photo of your child’s face glued inside a cupcake liner could be so effective, yet so simple.
Pop it in a frame with a pretty backdrop and a green paper stem and you’re done!
Blow kisses
Blow Mum a kiss that she will treasure forever.
Cut out a photo of your child in the classic ‘blowing a kiss’ pose, glue it on the bottom corner of a canvas or card. Add some colourful cut-out hearts and your kiss creation is fin.
For full tutorial, click here.
Thumbprint pots
Does your mum have a green thumb and does she love art? If you answered yes to the above, then this DIY gift is perfect!
Use colourful thumbprints to decorate terracotta pots and then use a black marker to turn them into butterflies or ladybugs. Cute!
For full tutorial, click here.
Craft stick picture frame
A crafty frame that can display your mama’s nearest and dearest will be a hit!
Kids can paint the sticks a rainbow of colours. Once dry, glue on buttons and a butterfly clip to hold the photo.
Top tip: Glue magnets onto the back of the sticks so Mum can pop the frame on the fridge.
For full tutorial, click here.
Mum rocks!
Show mum she rocks with a self-portrait on well, a rock.
Simply add some paint and plenty of creativity onto a backyard rock to create a rock portrait your mum will love.
Once it’s dry, pop it into repurposed jewellery box for mum to open on Mother’s Day.
For full tutorial, click here.
Egg carton flower
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, flowers will always be well received by Mum.
And if not fresh ones, definitely arty ones!
This floral art piece can be made easy from leftover egg cartons and paint.
For full tutorial, click here.
A gorgeous watercolour card
Illustrator Sarah Hankinson shares how to create this beautiful card.
Materials required include, paper, watercolour palette, a round watercolour paintbrush and a container of water.
Using a large waterproof marker, write the word Mum, Mummy, Mama, Love etc in various spaces around your sheet of paper.
Then, dip your paintbrush in water, then into your watercolour paint palette. In whichever colour you like, paint over the word outline.
Keep it simple or use the watercolour to decorate around the word.
Have a go at blending colour or painting little flowers.
Cut it out, attach a ribbon and tie around a box of Cadbury Roses. Mum will love it!