Not getting enough sleep, mama? The right mattress could make all the difference

Expert Advice 10 Oct 22 By

Make sure the sleep you are getting is top notch.

A good night’s sleep is often elusive for new mums.

From the round-the-clock feeding schedule to the endless hours spent soothing, settling and snuggling your little bundle, chances are you are not getting as much shut-eye as you’d like.

Then, of course there’s the rest you need after birth as your body recovers. Seriously, it’s no wonder why you’re exhausted.

It’s for these reasons, that when you are actually catching some Zzz’s (we’re talking quality over quantity here), you’ll want a mattress that can support you during the early years of motherhood – and beyond!

Five reasons you need a quality mattress

1. Comfort is key

The right mattress can help make sure you get a good night’s sleep. First things first, how firm should a mattress be? According to CHOICE, it all comes down to your preferred sleeping position.

If you sleep on your stomach – a firm mattress will keep your spine aligned.

If you sleep on your back – a medium mattress will provide support for your spine, back and neck while keeping you comfortable.

If you sleep on your side – a soft mattress will support and contour your body’s curves.


You’ll sleep like a baby (or like your husband) on a quality mattress.

2. A quality mattress can help relieve back pain

Postpartum back pain is very common. Many of the physical and hormonal changes that contributed to your backaches during pregnancy can still cause you discomfort after giving birth – and new factors like changes in your posture and carrying your baby may also cause pain.

Lower back pain and general aches can be exacerbated by the wrong mattress.

A quality mattress, like Wowbeds Duo mattress, will provide superior back support to help ease those aches. The combination of pocket springs and luxury foams ensure perfect spinal alignment and effortless pressure relief, no matter what your body type is, or what position you sleep in. Bring that on!

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Postpartum back pain can become worse with a bad mattress.

4. Relief for night sweats

While many foam mattresses can make you sweat, The Duo has next-generation cooling technology, which removes excess heat from the body and out the mattress through the ventilated Ventex mesh, keeping you comfortable throughout the night.

This technology is a godsend for mothers experiencing postpartum night sweats which are often caused by decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones. Your body needs high levels of these hormones during pregnancy, but doesn’t need as much after giving birth. It usually takes a few weeks after having a baby for these levels to reset to their pre-pregnancy levels.

3. Avoid being disturbed by your partner’s tossing and turning

The last thing you need when you do finally doze off to sleep is to be woken by your partner wriggling about in bed.

The best bed for reducing partner disturbance is one designed with a pocket spring system. A pocket spring mattress contains individually wrapped pocket coils that can move independently of each other. If weight is applied to one part of the bed, only those coils will move and none of the others.

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Up all night with the baby? You can still get quailty sleep on a good mattress.

5. Mattress in a box = convenient delivery

Mattresses in a box are just as durable as traditional mattresses. The only difference is that it’s compressed in an air-sealed bag and rolled tight before shipping. It’s then placed into a box about the size of a mini-fridge for shipping. Upon arrival, this tidy box is much easier to maneuver than a traditional mattress.

They’re made of the same materials, like memory foam, gel foam, and latex. Even innerspring mattresses can be rolled up and conveniently shipped out in a box.


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