25 quick and easy Elf on the Shelf ideas (for busy parents)

Expert Advice 18 Dec 23 By

Perfect for last-minute, late night Elf moves.

Christmas is fast-approaching and for many families, it means it’s Elf on the Shelf time of year again.

While the Elf prepares to create 24 days of mayhem and mischief in the lead up to the arrival of the big man in the red suit, we’ve done a solid for all the parents out there and created a gallery of quick and easy Elf on the Shelf ideas.

From toilet paper shenanigans to cheeky pranks with a tube of toothpaste, we’ve got your covered for all those late night, last minute ‘I almost forgot’ Elf moves.

Check out the fun but super-easy Elf set-ups in the gallery below and prepare for plenty of smiles in the lead up to Christmas.

Last minute Elf on the Shelf ideas

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