The new Call Triple Zero song teaches kids what to do in an emergency

Expert Advice 28 Sep 24 By

Young boy making a call on a mobile phone
(Image: Getty Images)

Water safety experts, Kids Alive have launched the Call Triple Zero song, which through rhythm and repetition, is designed to equip little ones with essential information for handling emergency situations.

Emma Lawrence, the Managing Director of Kids Alive says recent research highlights the importance of helping Australia’s two million children aged three to six, to learn how to respond in case of an emergency.

“In a recent survey only 14% of people were very confident that the children they know in the 3 to 6 year age group would understand that help is at hand by calling Triple Zero (000),” says Emma.

“The new Call Triple Zero song uses repetition to teach kids to call Triple Zero (000) and reiterates how important learning CPR is for families.”  

Kids Alive call Triple Zero song
“The new Call Triple Zero song uses repetition to teach kids to call Triple Zero (000)”. (Image: Kids Alive)

Emma says now is the perfect time for parents and carers to also be reminded about the necessity of learning CPR.  

“Spring and summer are the peak seasons for water-based emergencies and drownings, and both adults and young children need to be prepared in the event of an emergency,” she says.

“Statistics show even attempting CPR will have a dramatic impact on the outcome of an emergency, especially in a submersion scenario.”

“It’s never too early to get young children thinking about what they need to do in an emergency situation and the new Kids Alive Call Triple Zero (000) song is a fantastic way to get this message across.”

Watch and listen to the Call Triple Zero (000) song below…

Sharon Williams found herself in an emergency situation and credits her 10-year-old daughter, Charli for saving her life.

“I taught Charli about calling 000 from a young age,” says Sharon. “I don’t remember specifically when we started talking about what to do in an emergency but it’s something she knew how to handle. Kids need to know how to dial 000 but just as important they also need to know their address so they can tell an ambulance or emergency service where to come.”

She says: “I think the earlier kids can learn what to do the better, and in my case teaching Charli ended up saving my life.”

Charli said a lot of her friends didn’t know what to do in an emergency. “After it all happened and I went back to school my friends said they saw me on TV and how I had called 911 to save my Mum. I told them I didn’t call that number you call 000. I was so surprised they didn’t know the number.”

Emergency Service Departments around the country have committed to sharing the Call Triple Zero (000) song to ensure as many children as possible hear the song.

The new Call Triple Zero (000) song is available on Spotify or the Kids Alive Do The 5 You Tube channel.

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