Can you breastfeed if you have nipple piercings?

Expert Advice 28 Aug 24 By

Two lemons with 'nipple' rings

Everything you need to know about feeding your baby when you have your nipples pierced

Does having a pierced nipple impact your ability too breastfeed your baby is a question often asked by breastfeeding mums. But nipple piercings rarely cause complications.

There are plenty of ways to ensure it works for you and your baby but you should be mindful of issues with leaking milk from piercing holes, mastitis and scar tissue. However, the good news is that it’s usually not a cause for concern.

Here we answer some of the concerns mums have

Can I still make breast milk if have a nipple piercing?

Yes! Pierced nipples and nipple jewellery don’t usually cause any complications for breastfeeding mums. The piercing – a nipple bar or a nipple ring – won’t affect your ability to make your baby’s breast milk. While you may notice that breastmilk leaks out of the hole in your piercing, that’s not a huge problem.

If you have a piercing somewhere else on the breast, away from your nipple, it may be affect the breast milk supply from the breastmilk ducts and it could cause mastitis if it plugs the duct. It’s best to get a doctor to check this out if you’re concerned of the placement of the piercing.

Should I feed my baby with the nipple jewellery still on my breast?

The short answer is ‘no’. Keeping your nipple ring or bar in when you are feeding can cause two issues.

  • Any nipple jewellery left on your breast or nipple can be dangerous. If it comes off in your baby’s mouth while you’re breastfeeding, then your baby could choke.
  • It could also hurt your baby’s sensitive mouth while they’re feeding and prevent them from latching on properly.

As a result, it’s usually best to remove your nipple piercing, whether it’s a bar or a ring, before the birth of your baby.

Two lemons with 'nipple' rings used to illustrate topic of topic of breastfeeding when you have nipple piercings
Nipple piercings need to be removed before breastfeeding. (Image: Getty)

My nipple piercing caused an infection when I first got it, will that cause a problem with breastfeeding?

If you’ve had any infection related to your breast piercing, it could cause a few concerns. Infections can cause scarring and this can leave small holes in your nipples which could block the flow of milk. It’s best to consult your doctor or midwife to see if there will be any complications.

What do I do if milk leaks out of the hole of my piercing?

Just use a breast pad or nursing pad in your bra to help soak up any excess milk.

Rihanna, Kylie Jenner, Christina Aguilera and Rooney Mara are all mothers who have their nipples pierced
Rihi, Kylie, Christina and Rooney are all mums who have their nipples pierced. (Images: Getty)

Could I pierce my nipples while breastfeeding?

It’s strongly recommended that you don’t pierce your breasts or nipples while you’re breastfeeding a baby. The safest time is around a year before you fall pregnant as piercings can take up to six months to heal. Always make sure you go to a reputable piercer and if you think you have any scar tissue, tell your doctor.

Allergies to certain metals in the ring or bar of the nipple piercing aren’t uncommon. Gold that is nickel free, Platinum, Niobium or surgical Stainless steel are the safest metals to use for body piercing jewellery.

Will breastfeeding feel different with pierced nipples?

Every mum’s experience is different but breastfeeding shouldn’t feel any different if you have your nipple/s pierced. A nipple piercing can, however, change the sensitivity of your nipple – either increasing or decreasing it, but it shouldn’t be any different to another mum’s experience.

Always consult your doctor or health practitioner if you have any queries.

This article first appeared on our sister site Practical Parenting, and is edited and reproduced here with permission


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