These incredibly powerful birth images have been deemed the best of 2020

Labour & Birth 08 Apr 20 By

They have to be seen to be believed.

In recent years talented photographers have been developing creative ways to capture each unique childbirth with still images that manage to convey the energy in the room during labour, birth and those precious fist moments as a new family.

Each year, Birth Becomes Her holds a national competition, calling for submissions from birth photographers around the globe, and we’re wowed by the beauty and power in each and every one.

The images in the gallery below have been chosen as the top ten in the 2020 competition.They were each ranked by multiple judges on lighting, storytelling, composition, focus, editing, sense of scene, overall artistic impression, and respect for the vulnerability of birth.

READ NEXT: See more images from our our favourite finalists in the Birth Becomes Her 2020 Competition.

(Image: Sophia Williams)

This beautiful image by Sophia Williams has been deemed one of the top ten of 2020.

The top ten birth photography images in 2020

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