REAL LIFE: “My baby’s skin rash cleared up within 24 hours of using this supermarket moisturiser”

Baby Care 24 Feb 21 By

Little Olivia now has baby smooth skin.

When baby Olivia was born just three months ago, Perth mum Kamelia Doll instantly knew something was wrong.

Olivia had experienced a traumatic birth which saw her stomach drained of excess amniotic fluid – and when Kamelia wrapped her arms around her little girl for the first time in post neonatal care, she realised Olivia’s skin was missing that newborn glow and had a nasty red, dry patch of skin on her cheek.

As the first six weeks dragged on, parts of Olivia’s skin would flake off and the red patch on her cheek grew to flare up all over her body – leaving her extremely restless, itchy and uncomfortable, especially in the Perth summer heat.


Olivia’s rash flared up all over her body.

After testing a variety of steroid creams, formulas, bedding, clothing and sensitive skin products to no avail, Kamelia was desperate and called out on her social media and within her Perth mums’ group for suggestions on what else to try.

“My husband suffers with seasonal psoriasis, so we had the usual sensitive skin go-to products like QV and DermaVeen in the house. However, they were not doing much for Olivia except making her skin very oily (and she is very slippery). Not more than 30 minutes after I had lathered her in them, she was dry again and the process needed to start all over again,” says Kamelia.

“I was at a loss! Everything everyone had suggested including the medical practitioners we had seen was a short-term fix. I wanted control over the situation and was becoming disheartened. As the weeks were passing and Olivia was becoming more alert, she was beginning to scratch, and I was constantly having to cover her hands to avoid her picking apart her skin.”

“I called out on social media and in my Perth mums’ group in the hope there was a mum who had tried something new that I hadn’t yet tried or researched myself,” says Kamelia.


After her birth, Kamelia noticed her daughter was missing her newborn glow.

A mum friend suggested Childs Farm, a sensitive skincare brand for child and baby. On January 15th 2021, filled with hope, Kamelia bought the last two bottles of Childs Farm Baby Moisturiser from her local Woolworths. Within 24 hours of using the Baby Moisturiser, the redness on Olivia had almost completely gone.

 “I started one Friday with the moisturiser and I coated her body and popped her down for her afternoon nap. When she woke up and I changed her nappy I was aghast; the redness had subsided quite noticeably. So, I lathered her up in it again and continued this process every nappy change for the next 24 hours. By the next day the redness was gone and her skin looked relieved.”


Kamelia credits Childs Farm Baby Moisturiser for helping to clear her little one’s rash.

“I added in the Bath Wash, bathing her every second day. The change in her skin tone and redness has been dramatic,” she says.

“I am still so shocked at how helpful Childs Farm has been for Olivia and my family. Olivia has baby smooth skin and is the happiest of babies, she even sleeps through the night. I am using it now on both my children,” says Kamelia.

“It can be so confronting and isolating when your baby’s skin is suffering; there is so much information out there and so many products – and it’s hard to know what will work for your individual circumstances,” she adds.

“If my story is anything to go by, I think it’s so important to stay hopeful and for mums and parents to be open about their experiences and keep sharing their stories. You can never be sure what will work for you or your child – but by having conversations, supporting each other and keeping an open mind, we can get a step closer to finding an answer that works for our situation,” Kamelia says.

For more details visit Childs Farm.

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