Baby skin SOS: Gentle does it!

Expert Advice 09 Sep 24 By

Mother wrapping smiling baby in a towel
(Image: Getty Images)

How choosing the right products for your home and baby can help shield your little one’s sensitive skin from harmful irritants.

There are few things that are quite as precious and wondrous as the delicate softness of your baby’s skin.

Have you ever wondered why your baby’s skin is just, so smooth? The simple fact is that it’s new! This means it’s more important than ever to maintain the health of bub’s skin while they grow.

Your baby’s skin is still developing as it’s thinner, more fragile and more sensitive than an adult’s skin, making it more vulnerable to bacteria, the weather and chemicals.

Parents and carers should take the time to ensure that the products used on baby’s skin, and on the clothing and linens that nestle against baby’s skin are gentle to help support good skin health.

Why using gentle products is so important

The skin is the body’s largest organ and it’s still growing after your baby is born – and continues to grow throughout their life. Protecting that soft, smooth baby skin is essential while it’s in this vulnerable, developing stage.

Here’s why:

Baby’s Skin is Thinner: A newborn’s skin is much thinner than an adult’s, making it more susceptible to irritation and damage. Gentle products help reduce the risk of causing any harm.

Less Developed Skin Barrier: Babies have a less developed skin barrier, which means their skin is less effective at keeping out irritants and retaining moisture. Gentle products can help maintain and support this barrier.

Lower Risk of Allergic Reactions: Harsh chemicals and fragrances can trigger allergic reactions or skin sensitivities in babies. Gentle products are less likely to cause such reactions.

Baby wearing only a nappy and holding their feet while mother's hands hold baby's legs
Protecting your baby’s soft, smooth skin is essential while it’s in this vulnerable, developing stage. (Image: Getty Images)

Avoiding Dryness: Gentle products, especially those free of harsh detergents and alcohol, help prevent dryness and maintain natural moisture levels in the skin.

Prevention of Rashes and Irritations: Using mild, dermatologist-tested products minimises the risk of rashes and skin irritations, which are common in babies due to their sensitive skin.

Always do a patch test when trying new products to ensure they don’t cause any adverse reactions. It’s also a good idea to consult your health care provider if you have concerns about your baby’s skin care.

Choosing Cold Power Sensitive is a no-brainer for baby care

Using gentle detergents for your baby’s clothing and bedding is as essential for their comfort and health as choosing the right products that go directly on a baby’s skin.

“Regularly washing baby clothes is not just about aesthetics or hygiene,” says dermatologist Viktoryia Kazlouskaya

“It’s a critical step in protecting a baby’s health and wellbeing. A baby’s skin is still developing its natural protective barrier. This makes them highly susceptible to infections, allergies, and skin irritations.”

Use a gentle, dermatologically tested detergent like Cold Power Sensitive Laundry Liquid to wash all your baby’s clothes, blankets, and bedding to support good skin health.

Cold Power Sensitive contains no dyes, enzymes, and fragrances and delivers great performance while being gentle on baby’s skin.

Mother wrapping smiling baby in a towel
Use a gentle detergent, like Cold Power Sensitive, to keep your baby’s clothing, towels and bedding fresh and clean. (Image: Getty Images)

You can still get out common, tough baby stains gently

Dealing with baby stains can be a challenge, but with the right approach, you can keep your baby’s clothes and bedding looking fresh and clean, even with the gentlest of products.

You can use Cold Power Sensitive as a pre-stain treatment AND detergent. Here are some tips for removing common baby stains like milk spit-up, vomit, drool, baby food, and breast milk:

Act Quickly: The sooner you treat a stain, the easier it will be to remove. Try to address the stain as soon as you can to prevent it from setting.

Blot, Don’t Rub: For liquids like milk spit-up or baby vomit, blot the area gently with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb as much of the stain as possible. Rubbing can spread the stain or push it deeper into the fabric.

Cold Water Rinse: Rinse the stained area with cold water before applying any stain remover. Hot water can set certain stains, making them harder to remove.

Use a Gentle Detergent: Pre-treat the stain with a gentle, baby-safe detergent or a stain remover specifically designed for baby clothes. Choose a premium dermatologically tested detergent like Cold Power Sensitive that’s free of dyes and fragrances to keep your baby’s skin from becoming irritated. Apply a small amount directly to the stain and gently work it in with your fingers or a soft brush.

Soak If Necessary: For stubborn stains, soak the item in cold water with a bit of Cold Power Sensitive for 30 minutes to an hour before washing.

Check Before Drying: After washing, check to ensure the stain is completely gone before drying. Heat from the dryer can set the stain, making it nearly impossible to remove later. If the stain persists, repeat the treatment before drying.

By addressing stains promptly and using gentle, effective cleaning methods, you can keep your baby’s clothes and bedding clean and fresh while ensuring that bub’s sensitive skin is well looked after.

Brought to you by Cold Power.

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